Chapter 12 Magic Pills

At this moment, Zhao Ruzhi shouted, "What's so scary about it? It's just a child. How can it compare with so many of us? Just rush in and find out that bitch, Su Yu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several people set out to break in forcefully.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Heng waved the kitchen knife in his hand desperately, trying to block them outside the door.

At this time, someone sneaked to his back and launched a sneak attack. He hit the head of Su Heng with a stick, and blood immediately flowed out!

The next second, several people rushed up and pressed him to the ground!

"Don't touch him!" grandma hurried to push a wheelchair to protect him but was knocked down to the ground by Zhao Ruzhi.

Zhao Ruzhi said with a ferocious expression, "Old woman, you made us suffer so much before. Now you think you can escape from me!"

Grandma lay on the ground, out of breath. Her face was pale. "You crazy woman!"

"Humph!" Ignoring the grandma, Zhao Ruzhi went straight into the living room and shouted, "Su Yu! Bitch! Get out! If you don't get out today, I'll kill your brother and the old woman! I promise I'll let them all go to the hospital! Get out!"

Being pressed hard on the ground, Su Heng looked at Zhao Ruzhi unwillingly.

He was too weak to protect his grandmother!

Suddenly, there were a few screams behind them. Su Heng felt his back empty, and then a pair of clean and tender hands reached out in front of him.

"Heng, are you okay? Get up!" After saying that, Su Yu went to help grandma up.

Grandma's breath was weak. She leaned against Su Yu and said, "Yu, you're back."

"Grandma, I'm sorry. I'm late."

Then she handed over the grandma to her brother and stepped into the living room. She grabbed Zhao Ruzhi's hair and pulled it back hard!

"Ah! Bitch, let go of me!" Zhao Ruzhi cried out in pain before she could react.

With a sneer, she tightened her grip and said, "Now you know it hurts? Can you say it again?"

Zhao Ruzhi's face was distorted. "Bitch! If it weren't for you, how could my husband's arm be cut off by those people? You still have the face to let me say it again. Believe it or not... Ah!"

Su Yu kicked her belly hard.

"Zhao Ruzhi, I have warned you not to disturb our lives anymore, but you didn't listen to me. This mouth is so cursing. Why don't I sew it up directly?"

Zhao Ruzhi immediately shouted, "Help! Help! Someone is going to kill me! Help!"

Her loud voice attracted many neighbors to come and see.

A cold voice said when Su Yu was about to tie Zhao Ruzhi up.

"Miss Su, it seems that you are in a mess. There is no place for me to drink tea."

Raising her head, Su Yu saw Shen Moyan striding in and looking at her with a faint smile.

She frowned, "Mr. Shen, what's wrong with you to follow me?"

He was at the gate of the club just now, but now he came with them?

Shen Moyan snapped his fingers, and several bodyguards immediately ran in and surrounded the people in the yard.

He glanced at her coldly, "Of course, I'm here to solve the problem for my fiancée."

Su Yu was speechless.

Did he just like to stand out?

Seeing that the man was dressed in gold, Zhao Ruzhi immediately broke free from her grip and ran to Shen Moyan. "You are her fiancée, aren't you? That's great. Do you have to pay for what she owes?"

Without casting a glance at Zhao Ruzhi, Shen Moyan fixed his eyes on her and asked with a smile, "Miss Su, what do you owe her?"

Not in the mood to answer, Zhao Ruhi became more arrogant to block Shen Moyan's sight. She put her hands on her hips, looking like a shrew.

"Of course, it's my husband! How can he live without one arm? It's all her fault! Tell us how to compensate us!"

Shen Moyan turned his head and his eyes suddenly became cold, as cold as hell.

Startled, Zhao Ruzhi took a step back subconsciously and stammered, "Why, why are you looking at me like this? I tell you, if you dare to hit me, I will call the police to arrest you!"

"Well, tell me, what do you want?"

Shen Moyan said coldly, with a gleam shining in his eyes.

"Of course I want money! But I won't make things difficult for you. This house is good. I like it as soon as I came in. Give it to me directly, or this matter will not end!"

"No, it's impossible! We can't give this house to her!" grandma was so angry that she coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Upon seeing this, Su Yu panicked. She ran to grandma and took out her silver needle.

Her illness had been delayed for so many years, and she had been incurably ill for a long time. Now she suddenly spits out blood, and she could only temporarily use silver needles to relieve it. She had to quickly solve this matter and send her to the hospital!

Thinking of this, Su Yu looked at Zhao Ruzhi coldly. When he was about to say something, Shen Moyan stood in front of her.

The man's voice was cold but magnetic. "Of course, I can't give you this house, but..."

He took out a bank card from his pocket and threw it in front of Zhao Ruzhi. "Two million. You can get out now."

Hearing the number, Zhao Ruzhi's eyes lit up with joy!

It seemed that this trip was not in vain!

Two million was enough for her!

She put on a smile and said, "Go, go!"

A few seconds later, a group of people rushed out of the hospital and disappeared in a flash.

Shen Moyan turned around and was about to speak when Su Yu glared at him. Then she carried the grandma on her back and rushed to the hospital.

This woman even refused to be given a favor.

He stood there for a moment and quickly followed her.


"Doctor, how is my grandma?" Seeing the doctor in charge of the examination comes out, Su Yu ran to him and asked.

The doctor shook his head with a pitiful expression. "She is incurably ill. If she had been a few years earlier, she would have been saved. But now, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for long."

Su Yu panicked. "No, doctor. Is there no other way? My grandma can't be in danger!"

The doctor sighed helplessly, "There is no way."

Then he turned around and left.

There is no way...

Su Yu closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, in a trance for a moment.

The silver needle could only temporarily save grandma's life, but it was really difficult to completely cure her.

"I have a way to save your grandma." Standing in front of her, Shen Moyan's eyes flickered, and his side face looked a little cold against the light of the corridor.

Raising her head, Su Yu asked, "How?"

"There is a magic pill which can extend one's life for half a year. It is said to be a magic pill that can extend one's life. This pill is invaluable in the black market. If you can find it, your grandmother will be saved."