Chapter 61 We Are Not Friends

Su Yu dodged quickly and protected the snow lotuses in her bag. There was only one way to the foot of the mountain. She jumped over and was about to leave, but the man grabbed her shoulder and pulled her backward.

She stumbled, but she still fell to the ground steadily.

"What's the use of so many snow lotuses? Why don't you give me two? Anyway, the rest is enough for you!"

The man frowned. "The snow lotuses are all mine. No one can take them away!"

The two fought again.

Noticing that the situation was getting tricky, Su Yu took out a dagger and dodged the man's attack, leaving a deep wound on his shoulder.

But the other party seemed not to feel any pain and continued to attack crazily.

At this moment, Su Yu noticed the black threads on his neck and immediately realized what had happened.

She sneered, "I've been wondering why you want so many snow lotuses. It turns out that you are poisoned. I guess there is no antidote to the poison on your body, right?"