Chapter 77 What Did He Do

Shen Moyan closed his eyes for a while, and the end of his eyes gradually turned red. He said in a low but disordered voice, "I'm fine. Help me back."

"Young master, aren't you with Miss Su? Why don't you let her help you..."

Butler was interrupted by Shen Moyan.

"That's enough. She has done a lot for me. I don't want her to take the risk to do anything else. Don't contact her without permission from now on, understand?"

The butler lowered his head and answered, "Yes."


As soon as Su Yu got home, she took out the medical book left by her master and turned to the page about the cranial nerves. Her face darkened.

She could tell that Shen Moyan had a headache again, but he didn't want to tell her and let her worry too much. But now the frequency of headaches was getting higher and higher, and snow lotus might not be able to hold on for long.

Thinking of this, Su Yu felt a headache.