Chapter 102 You Come Alone

With a pale face, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Did they have anything to do with each other in the police?

If not, how could there be nothing unusual?

While he was thinking, he suddenly saw the police station. When he was about to run in with all his strength, he suddenly saw a figure standing at the door of the police station.

Although he didn't know the face, there was a deep scar on it, which looked shocking.

In an instant, he stopped subconsciously.

Somehow, he felt that the man was with those guys behind him. They might have guessed his destination, and then there was a person guarding nearby, especially to catch him.

What a lunatic!

Why did they insist on killing them?

If it were his sister now, she would have fought with them a long time ago, and she might not be able to defeat so many people.

Especially the leading man in black, he was very good at fighting.

Thinking of this, he turned a corner quickly and disappeared into the busy city nearby.