Chapter 122 You Are Not Sick

Hearing this, Jiang Muye chuckled and walked over to hold her arm. "Mom, what are you talking about? I just have a few small companies at hand that have something to deal with. How can I leave you alone?"

"That sounds good. Do you know how scared Su Yu and I were last night? That man came again!"

"What?" Jiang Muye's face suddenly became serious. "I can't believe that he has followed us here. Has Dr. Su found any effect? Have you seen that man's face?"

Zhong Su shook her head. "No. Su Yu was at a loss and even startled by him. I'm getting more and more confused about his purpose. Does he want to harm me or just monitor me?"

But in terms of surveillance, it was not sent by Jiang Mingcheng and Ouyang Xiucheng. Who else could it be?

"No matter what it is, you must catch him next time. Otherwise, you and Dr. Su will go crazy if you keep doing this."