Chapter 152 Note

"Okay, I have finished talking with those partners anyway. Let me show you around. Although the Zhou family is not big in appearance, there is something inside."


Holding Zhou Yuefeng's hand, Su Yu went straight to the back garden and even the fountain behind.

At the same time, Shen Moyan stood in the study of Zhou Master, holding a note in his hand, frowning.

There was a sentence on the note, "The medicine on the prescription can cure all diseases. Don't you want it?"

There was no reply from Master Zhou, but it was certain that several clans of the Jiang clan and the Zhou clan had known the existence of the prescription, and they might even secretly compete for it.

But it was not sure that the prescription was in the Zhou family.

Shen Moyan frowned, put away the note, and left the study.

At the same time, Jiang Muye returned to the hall from the periphery of the Zhou clan and bumped into Shen Moyan.