

I watched the Greeks around me discuss a plan for the potential war. I should of been brainstorming with them but all I could think about was that this is the perfect opportunity to kill my brother.

I had a special sword in my possession and I planned to use it tomorrow, the day of the war.

Ares would be too distracted murdering demons or spirits to see me coming.

My sword was called Chrysaor. It could penetrate anything with a single strike. I was hoping it would penetrate his heart.

"Athena?" I felt 28 eye balls on me.

"Sorry I zoned out, what?" I cleared my throat and looked around nervously.

"Very professional." Ares coughed from across the room.

I couldn't help but shoot him a glare filled with hatred.

"I asked if you were okay with your gods?" God shifted as he spoke to me.

Did he know my plan?

Of course not.

"You're with Paimon,Poseidon,Ares, and myself." Persephone saved me.

"Oh that sounds perfect." I forced my best smile and everyone continued on.

Ares was with me.

This just got all the much easier.



Life is full of planning and waiting. Sometimes it's easy and you can predict the outcome. But sometimes you can't, and that's the scary part.

For example, A party of the my palace in Hell.

To plan we need to order a catering service, bargain with demons in the cells to hand craft invitations, send hounds out to deliver said invitations, and so much more.

I can predict the outcome. Invitations get delivered and we have the whole kingdom on our doorstep in an hour. Successful party is executed and Everyone is happy.


Let's try another one.

God realizes his god daughter is alive, Zeus figures out his daughter is alive, and so do the gods in the Athens.

Sounds perfect so far.

But then Hades discovers his future bride is alive and will stop at nothing to get her into his clutches.

Which means gods from all over the kingdoms need to assemble like the fucking Avengers and a whole battle falls into action.

If I was optimistic, I'd say we win. 14 powerful Greeks fighting amongst each other. Sounds pretty overpowered.

But that's not the case.

We are just 14 gods and goddesses who are about to go up against All of hell (with the exception of Paimon), and all of the underworld.

Which includes dead gods and goddesses, Lucifer, his minions, Hades, so on.

I would I could predict the outcome. Pretend like it'll be okay and we will all live happily ever after.

But it isn't and I'm scared. Not for myself but for those around me. They may think nothing of me. I'm just the devil's brother. I'm a rat. A snake. Liar. Player.

But I care deeply for all of them, especially Ivy. I'd be miserable if this went south.

Which is why I need help.

Yama,Maya,Osiris, and Tanatalus have agreed to step forward and help us internally with the Underworld.

They were to open the gates and set free those caged at midnight in both Hell and the Underworld.

I asked them to fight alongside us but they refused as they valued their lives.

"Paimon?" Ivy pulled me away from my procrastinating.

"Yes,Sweetheart?" I gave her a warm smile.

"I need to talk to you about something. Just in case something goes wrong tomorrow." Ivy twiddle with her fingers as she watched me for a reaction.

My anxiety spiked.

"I'm all ears," I coughed," well not really because that would be creepy. 6ft tall man made of ears. Fucking weird." I blew it with my rambling.

Ivy laughed and just like the first and every time following, it sounded like an a cappella of angels.

"Weirdo." She took my hand in hers and squeezed.

"I have feelings for you,Paimon. I don't want to die without telling you that. I don't know when it happened but it did so here we ar-"

I cut her off by crashing my lips into hers. It took her a few seconds to realize what was happening then she reacted.

Ivy's once tan arms wrapped around my neck. My long fingers gripped onto her waist.

"Woah! Get away you horn dog!" Zeus interrupted our moment and physically separated us.

"You," he pointed to Ivy.

"Yes?" She bounded on her heels.

"I may have missed out the first few years of your life but I am still your father. So by default, I have to kick Paimon's ass. Please excuse us and let us talk." Zeus gave his daughter a quick peck on the forehead and shoed her off in the opposite direction.

So much for the battle. I was going to be slain right here and right now by this unhumanly tall man child.

"Listen Paimon, I may be old but I am not oblivious. I know you have feelings for Ivy. Plus I just caught you with your tongue down her throat." Zeus crossed his arms and flared at me.

Why was I being scolded like I was 17?

I'm almost 200 years old.

"Glad you found out. Would of been a really awkward conversation." I pretended to wipe a bead of sweat off my forehead.

My ass was about to be grass.

"It would've. She doesn't need any distractions right now though. None of us do. So get your head in the game,Son." Zeus gave me an awkward bro fist then left the corridor.

Was I high?



Something other then sober and in this moment because that was awkward as heaven.