Chapter 105 The Progress Regressed and a New Road

"Hint: the special effect that a level-two wooden house made of the cold pool stone as the material to upgrade activated will last no more than 24 hours. The maximum growth rate of experience that could be provided was 12%."

This hint slightly disappointed Dick. He couldn't increase the speed of upgrading by staying in the wooden house 24 hours a day. However, the extra 12% growth rate of experience points could not be underestimated.

"Hint: along with the overall upgrade of the rookie castle, the promotion of the wooden house will increase the extra growth rate of experience point."

Seeing this, Dick was excited. As long as the grade of Green-Hand Village could be improved continuously, the speed of Green-Hand Village's upgrade would only be faster and faster!

Pieces of cold pool stones were taken out from the bottom of the cold pool by Dick. Apart from the materials used to build his level-two wooden house, the rest were donated to the castle donation channel by Dick.