Chapter 171 Sade's Gambling Game

"Coins? I don't need anything like that. Aren't you going to bet 500 multi-dimensional coins? How about I bet with you? The betting is if I could buy a commodity here"

Dick said to Sade with a smile. Sade and his friends were first stunned and then burst into laughter.

"My God, did I hear it wrong? He actually wants to bet with us! Does he know what the multi-dimension coin is?"

"Sade, bet with him! Everyone is waiting to see a good show! I can't wait to see the flustered expression on his face!"

Sade waved his companions to stop laughing. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and asked Dick.

"Buster, I appreciate your courage. But do you know what the multi-dimensional coin means? If you lose, I want all of you, including your soul. Have you made up your mind?"

Dick reached out his hand and gave Sade a high five.