Chapter 286 Wipe out the Elders

The thick fog gradually dispersed, and the faces of the people around the eldest elder changed greatly. The sweet smell was sucked in before they could react, and at this time, they only felt a pain in their chests and abdomen.

Red spots appeared on the surface of their bodies. They itched so much that they had to scratch them with their hands. However, when they scratched, they were frightened to find that they had even scratched off their skin and flesh, revealing their bones!

They screamed in horror, desperately activating their talent, trying to slow down the rate of their flesh and blood decaying. However, no matter how hard they tried, their flesh and blood continued to fall from their bones.

In less than five minutes, the two elders turned into grey bones!

However, the poisonous fog did not disappear, and it was still slowly spreading.

The elders retreated in horror, afraid of being affected by the colorful poisonous mist.