Dick collected the storage rings of the Celestial clansmen one by one, and then returned to Bramble City. He took out the level-eight detector and carefully studied it.
This item looked commonplace. If it weren't for Dick's Eyes of God, he would have taken it as an ordinary item.
"Level-eight Item: discerning eyes. With the talent power, it could get a map within 3, 000 kilometers in 30 seconds. The longer the using time was, the more the consumption of spirit power."
"Hint: only those who have reached the spirit level can activate this item. The map of this item is marked the location of all the creatures and forces within the area. Unless the spirit power of the one who is detected surpasses that of the user, no one would be able to notice that he is being detected."
No wonder it was a level-eight item! Such a powerful function really broadened Dick's eyes.