Chapter 324 Wipe out the Bones, Judge Dominator

Although the Act of God was powerful enough to defend the white bone umbrella, several layers of white bone powder were enough to support Holhorse to resist the Act of God.

"Your resistance is too weak. Since there is no possibility of winning, you should die honestly."

Holhorse walked under the attack of the Ac of God with the white bone umbrella. In such a case, he was still summoning skeleton soldiers.

These skeleton soldiers were not only turned into pieces by the Act of God but their bones were constantly rebuilding, and finally formed a huge bone dragon! But this bone dragon was only at the third stage of the spirit level.

"How is it possible for me to die? Even if I would die, I shouldn't die in this damned world, and you will never become the person who killed me."

Dick's eyes shone with golden light. Several brilliant bands of light appeared on his body. His divine blood talent was fully activated, and a shadow of a statue appeared behind him.