There was only a small sapling in front of Dick. The bright green light made it look like a precious gem.
"Is this your real body? That's great! In this way, you can grow in my hidden space. My hidden space is an independent world, and it also has the same circulation system as the outside world. You can also see the outside in it!"
Dick said excitedly. Then he picked up the seedling and moved it into his hidden space.
The seedling of the chaos ancient tree quickly planted a root in Dick's hidden space and then grew rapidly. In an instant, it grew into a tree dozens of meters tall. Although it was not as huge as it was in the outside world, it looked very magnificent.
The next moment, Dick was surprised to find that a strong space power was emitted from the chaos ancient tree. It extended upwards along the trunk and connected with Dick's hidden space. The whole hidden space was covered with a layer of sparkling light.