Chapter 497 Time Cage, Killed the Giant

Countless planets crashed into Dick's body. All kinds of lights flickered alternately, and the entire starry sky was collapsing.

The Star River Giant roared wantonly. It could no longer feel the aura of Dick in the light, which meant Dick had completely died.

"No, these humans are all very cunning. Maybe he has something that can save his life. I have to confirm it. There's plenty of time left anyway."

Star River Giant murmured to itself. Then it quickly fell from the sky and fell into the broken mirror lake, trying to find Dick's corpse.

"It's strange. If he's dead, Starry Temple should have reminded me that I've defeated the contestant and given me the blessed dew. But why hasn't Starry Temple reminded me yet?"

It looked around but didn't find Dick's body. It made sense. After all, the force of the fall of the star river was enough to destroy the weak human body.

However, there was no hint from Starry Temple, which meant this human had not died yet.