This rupture between us


"A woman who lived in India in the middle ages, had a pet snake, python, which she loved so much. The snake was 4 meters long and looked healthy . However, one day her pet snake just stopped eating .

This lack of appetite in the snake continued over a few weeks.. The desperate woman tried everything. Nothing worked. Finally woman took her loving pet to the vet as a last resort.

The vet listened to the woman carefully and asked,

Does your snake sleep with you at night, wrap around you closely and spread out its length?"

The woman was surprised and said yes yes he does, everyday. And it makes me so sad because I cannot help him.

Then the vet said something shocking and most unexpected: madam your snake is not sick, he is just preparing to eat you. Every time he is creeping and hugging you, wrapping around your body , it is sizing you up. And he is preparing him self for the attack , and yes , he doesn't eat in order to have enough space to digest you easily"


As Malcolm stood by the jury he avoided River's seemingly kind eyes. He knew she was looking at him, and he would not give her the pleasure of knowing just how much this affected him. She was, after all, the one who had decided to throw their engagement out window and become a stranger - he was just following suit. He could be a stranger too.