These puppets mastered - part 2. Malcolm

I often woke up before her. I liked the quiet and tranquility you can find at 6:00 am on a Saturday morning. There are no cars in the streets to pollute the environment with their noise, its barely lit, and your thought make you company as you quietly sort through them. There is something about the morrow that makes me feel like I can face the demons that lurk all around, and probably even win. But there is one specific threat that has been lurking - that I can't even look straight into because it will painfully melt my soul like lava the moment I do. I am here, with a cup of black coffee, trying to gather the strength not to run away from it - run because I don't want to hurt myself by looking too closely. By looking into the details I already noticed, but that is much more comfortable to ignore as I play the fool even though I'm on borrowed time.

I know your secret.

I know how you are planning to use me, and I'm gathering the strength to use you back. In sabotaging my case, I'll let you lead us straight to Medallion. You are the criminal I am looking for.

I sip my coffee. I hate its flavor. I just want this part to be over.