Chapter 27th; Who Is Fastest?

The bus carrying the Phantom pack entered the expansive yard.

"Island Of Breeze... wow, this place is stunning!" Mayumi excitedly retorted while looking in the window. Although it's not her first time coming to the seaside, it's her first time with Jonas.

"... You will accompany me later, right? She turned to Jonas and asked.

Rather than answering, Jonas stoops up and walks in front. " —Stop the engine." He said to the driver, then turned around to face his pack. "... The other pack started their training last night, so we are behind—"

"—Alpha, we fought you last night, so we also start our training!" Joey's reasoning while frowning.

"Yeah! Fighting you is more difficult than doing some activity!" The other member added.

Jonas ignores these remarks and continues with his poker face. " Ten kilometers from here to the main hotel... It's a short distance, so get your us down the bus and start running!"