"What is this? A human and a vampire angel, don't make me laugh."
"Don't start.", I tell Jess.
"Belt in, we'll arrive in a few minutes."
We belt in as I look out the window once again; the griffin was nowhere to be found. Side glancing at Brandon, I see him talking to our two new friends. Leaning my head back on the seat as I close my eyes. I'm definitely not going to get a lot of sleep. Once the plane landed, we all headed out and grabbed our bags. The five of us were the first people waiting outside for them to pick us up; not even a few minutes had passed when a guy who looked like he's bad news came up behind Jess. I was about to say something when I realized why the guy was standing right behind her. A few feet from us was another male, staring creepily at her. Pulling her slightly closer to me as we continue to wait. Glancing around to see if I could see if anyone was coming until, I felt someone tugging on my shirt; looking down, I see Jess staring off in a dark alley, which got me confused because I see nothing there.
"What's wrong Jess?", I ask not to take my eyes off the dark alley.
"There's an injured animal."
"Want to show me?", I asked.
She just grabs my head and pulls me to the injured animal; getting closer to the animal, I realized it was a cub which isn't good. Slowly bending down not to spook the already terrified cub, it tries to scoot away, but because its hind leg is injured.
"Shh, I will not hurt you.", I say as I put my hand a few inches away from their nose.
They sniff my hand as they come closer to it until they are right in front of me; gently picking the cub as I wrap my jacket around them and heading back towards everyone just in time. Everyone started loading the bus. When we got there, there was only one seat left, so I put Jess in with the cub.
"Try to keep the cub steady when they're driving.", I tell her.
"Mama, how are you going to get there?", she asks.
"Well, we met a Griff, I'll ask him if I can get a lift.", I state as I shut the door.
Turning around the Griff was right there; rolling my eyes at him before hopping onto him. Following them as the Griff stays in sight of the window that Jess is sitting in; when we get to the forest, he flies up above the trees but he doesn't fly too high just for Jess.
"Thank you.", I tell Griff.
"No problem.", he says.
Cutting the link with him; looking up, but not too much, just in case the sun would come up. He flies back down next to the van; hopping off him and thanking him. After he flies away, Jess comes running towards me with empty arms. Laughing at her, but I swing her up, as I put on my hip then head over to our friends. Maya hands the cub to Jess, and she gently holds them. We wait for everyone to get out of the van so we can walk through a tree to get to the institute.
"Light creatures follow me!", one of the van drivers says as he walks through the tree.
As we wait for all the light creatures to go through the tree as we listen to Molly and a couple of other people complaining about having to wait for them to go through. After all the light went, then it was our turn which I waited for everyone but Maya, Zane, Brandon, Jess, and I went through; they moved out the way so I could go first with Jess.