Chapter 14

Heading towards the living room to see Tj still here; confused, but don't linger on it as I put the paint out of the way. Turning around, I see Tj looking at one book, heading over. I see the book is about my family's history.

"Can you read this?", he asked me.

"Yeah, it's in English.", I answered, somewhat confused.

"Interesting.", he says before closing the book.

"Is it not English?", I ask.

"Not even close.", he replies.

Surprised, I picked up the book and opened it to see it's in English; closing it once again before sitting down next to Tj. Leaning back on the couch as I stare up at the ceiling. I'm not used to having others over when Jess is asleep unless it was Mr. Sapling.

"What year are you teaching?"

"Third years and fourth years.", I answered without looking away from the ceiling.

"So, you'll be my professor for that class.", he states.

"Pretty much.", I reply.

"Have you started reading the history book?", he asks.

"Is the History of Broken Families not a first-year class?", I ask, bluntly.

"No, that's the third year.", he answers while staring at me wide-eyed.

Great, I'm doing a third-year class in my first year. Maybe I could ask him some things. Smiling, I stop looking at the ceiling and look at Tj.

"What other classes are in the third year?", I ask.

"Besides the History of Broken Families; there's the grimoire, Dark magic, and Phantom Dreamthorn is the reading material.", he answers.

"So half of my classes are in the third year.", I state, more to myself than to him.

"Seems like it.", he says.

There was a knock on the door, so I made my way there. The headmistress and the professor from before were at the door. Letting them in, they walk to the living where Tj was; going to the kitchen, I grab two water bottles before heading over to them. Passing the water bottles to the two guests before sitting down.

"Why did you bring me here, headmistress?"

"You're here because you seemed to be in Miss Phoenix's business.", she states bluntly.

"Of course, I'm going to be in her business!", they snap.

"Would you mind not yelling, I have a daughter who's sleeping!", I growled out.

The professor just rolls her eyes before crossing her arms; biting my tongue so I don't rip the woman apart. The headmistress seemed to notice what I was doing, so she talked again.

"Miss Saneye, that's enough."


"No, buts. Weren't you acquainted with Miss Phoenix?", she states then asks.

"So.", she answers.

"It's fine headmistress Angel.", I say before she could open her mouth.

She nods her head, and speaks, "When she is in your class, I would like for you to treat her like another student."

"Is that the only reason I'm here?", she asks, staring at the headmistress.

"No, you can't call her a half-ling.", she points out.

"Why not?"

Feeling out of place since they talk back and forth with each other; feeling a tap on my shoulder, I see Tj wanted my attention. Smiling at him, I scout over so he could sit down.

"Was there any work for me?", he asked once he sat down.

"There was a worksheet, but I wouldn't know for sure. Maya would know along with Zane and Brandon.", I answered honestly.

"Okay.", he whispers.

Reaching for the folder on the table, I open it and go through the papers to see if I can't find the worksheet for the class, which I do, along with the answers. Heading the worksheet over to him along with a pen, he gets to work. Halfway through the sheet when he groans in frustration, glancing over, I see what he got stuck on.

"No wonder you asked if I knew the oath.", he stated, while dropping his head.

"If you can't answer it, don't worry.", I tell him.


"Raina, you shouldn't be helping him!", Miss Saneye screeches out.

"Miss Saneye, please address me formally when in front of students.", I state, slightly glaring at her.

"Whatever, Miss Phoenix, you-"

"I wasn't helping him, if anything I was letting him know that if he couldn't answer a question on the sheet, he didn't need to worry.", I state, politely.

"That worksheet is-"

"The worksheet is for me to know what they need to learn.", I snapped.

"And it seems like they don't know the oath.", I growled out.

"Why could we teach them the oath?", she states with a smirk.

"Why? You ask, simply. The oath is there for the creature to feel safe when you're healing them!", I say and slightly yell.

"Creatures can't-"

"If you finish that sentence, I will throw you out of my room.", I snarl at her.

"Enough, Miss Saneye; Miss Phoenix has every right to do as she said. We are guests in someone's room and we must respect them. She didn't need to invite us in but she did.", headmistress Angel states calmly.

I can see why she's the headmistress. She is very calm in situations which are wonderful, especially in a school full of students. She sends me a smile which returns before Tj tries to hand me the worksheet; shaking my head no, and he puts it back on his lap.

"We should head out. Miss Phoenix, I would like it if you would come to my office after breakfast.", she says while getting up.

Nodding my head, as I watch them leave; getting up and heading over to Maya's room, making sure she's at least in bed before heading to my room. Too tired to change, I fall onto the bed and out like a light.