
A year and a half have passed since I became queen; I'm still teaching but not full-time. Silvia has had Walter teacher of my classes, so I can focus more on getting allies. All stores must treat each dark or light creature equally. Sadly, I wasn't able to change their minds on half-lings, but I could see that talking to half-ling isn't social suicide, so that's a bonus. The shadow beings live among the griffins. Both are quite happy; Jess has more friends, along with Griff. I met some very interesting people who somehow got away with a few things. For one, my sister is still experimenting on her family, the things I saw- she got the death penalty along with her lover. As for Mr. Jagger, let's just say there are now levels on what type of vampire you are. Right now, I'm in Silvia's office; I have already finished teaching my classes for today, so I decide to hang out with her for a while.

"Are you people getting on your case about getting married?", she asks.

Groaning, I answer, "Yes, I've only been a queen for a year and a half. Like, come on."

She laughs before saying, "That sucks, but honestly, who do they think you'll marry?"

"Does it look like I know?", I stated.

"I didn't mean you had to answer.", she says while rolling her eyes.

"Now, where's the fun in that.", I say with a smirk.

"Haha, besides the usual, what's up?", she says.

"Well, I'm holding a ball.", I answer.

"And why are you doing that?", she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I was told being queen meant I would have to hold balls every so often.", I say, leaning against the wall.

"Sounds fun.", she says sarcastically.

"It does, especially when you're going too.", I say with a smirk.

"What.", she says flabbergast.

"You heard me.", I say while walking towards her desk.

"Why do I have to go?", she asks after fixing her composer.

"Because I welcome everyone.", I answered.

"Okay and?", she says.

"Would you just come, please?", I ask, with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh- fine, but don't expect me to say longer than an hour.", she caves in.

"We'll see about that.", I say with a smirk.

"Raina, I mean it.", she says, giving me that look.

"All I said was we'll see about that.", I say, putting my hands up in surrender.

"Hilarious, I know you.", she says.

"I know.", I say, while walking out.

Smiling, as I know everyone thinks we're just friends, but in reality, we just started dating a few months after I became queen. The only people who know are Jess, Griff, Walter, Hunter, Zane, and Tj. I would've told Maya and Brandon but they would not have been able to keep it a secret until now; Griff and Walter have to sometimes stop Jess from spilling the beans, but rarely. Heading towards potions just so I can say hi to Mr. Sapping; the small town we used to live in is doing much better since I could bring dark and light creatures together. I haven't told Mr. Sapping or Jess about them coming to the ball; both Saylnx has been wonderful animals. They adopted the cub that I fixed up. Actually, they've been protecting the forest that's by the campus.

"Queen Raina-"

"If I'm with people who knew me before I became queen, then you don't have to say queen.", I stated.

"Yes, sorry- as I was saying, it's time for you to get ready for the ball.", Hunter tells me.

"Alright- I'll see you at the ball.", I say to Mr. Sapping.

Shadowing back to the castle- humongous place, gotten lost about sixteen times and Jess has gotten lost roughly twenty times; heading towards my room where the gown was laying, thankful it has the color of Silvia's dress as well. Once again, smiling, I take a quick shower before getting changed- welcoming the guests along with Jess until the ballroom was about a quarter too full; shadowing to the front with Jess. She speed walks to the side with our friends and not from our small town.

"Welcome to Hybrida-Moon's formal ball; I am Queen Raina Phoenix. As many of you know, you've been asking me to get married; understandably, I know why but I won't get married just to anyone.", I say, then continue, "Today marks the first year that I've brought our kinds together."

Everyone applauds, smiling I hold my hands up. Once there was silence, I continued, "This is not only for myself, but for others as well. I would like to introduce my lover, Silva Angel.", I say happily.

Watching as she walks on stage with her beautiful golden dress with white flowers on the rims; once she comes enough to me, I hold my hand out. She grabs it and I pull her in. Giving her a peck before turning my attention towards everyone.

"Silvia and I have been dating since the month after I became queen-"

"She just wants you because you're the queen!"


"That is a lie!", Silvia says quickly.

"I knew her before she became queen.", she then continued.

"Doesn't mean-"

"It does actually.", I state, interrupting them.

"If it wasn't for her, for allowing me to go to her college, none of this would have happened.", I state with a smile.


"She's right.", I hear Mr. Slender say.

Everyone turned towards his voice- right next to him were Miss Karmay and Miss Sullivan. Glancing to the side, I see Jess's eyes wide with happiness, along with Mr. Sapping. Smiling, I put my eyes back on the group of three.

"If it did not accept her to the college, she would've stayed in our small town.", Miss Karmay says.

"But because she was accepted, she could do all these wonderful things for everyone.", Miss Sullivan states happily.

The ballroom goes quiet after they were done talking, so I decide to speak, "Everyone, please enjoy the party.",

Walking towards our friends- Jess comes running towards Silvia and hugs her before she runs to our family- smiling at both my girls, I keep Silvia close by when people come at us to talk to us. Being polite, I speak back to them. Silvia ends up whispering, "How are you feeling?"

"Uncomfortable, but I know I have to do this.", I answered her, then kissed her temple.

As the ball ends; everyone had a wonderful time and I know from many years on it will still be wonderful.