A New Hope

Today is result day and sanu birthday

The day month and year passed away to the flowers and shallow say its my birthday

Sanu said and wake up

Sanu wore a white shirt and black skirt and black tie. Black and white belt wore white shocks and black shoes and ran to the school. She became late although she ran fast. Sanu reached school saw her all friends including rabin sabin kancha and kanchi were on assembly line. She walked slowly although it was late but it wasn't too late . She managed herself went to the line.

Near to her standard four assembly line took her postion after kanchi. Rabin, sabin and kancha were standin on same assembly line. All student were standing according to height.

Kancha is taller so he was standing atlast.

While sanu was walking her friend were smiling. Rabin murmer to sabin today is sanu birthday what you are giving to her. I bought a statue of rose hope she like it sabin said

"What you bought"sabin asked

"It's a secret but i told you its a statue of two birds i hope she like it" rabin said

"Today is sanu birthday i bought a friendship band hope she like it"kancha thought

"I bought a locket hope she like it iknow she like it she is a genuie girl" kanchi thought.

Every student were standing and worried result and so is rabin. Rabin is not only worried about result but also worried about medicine his sister kabita became sick she had heache . It was ending of winter and beginning of spring but kabita still got cold.

Their class teacher Mr gyawali started to call student name and distribute their result. Firstly he called Dharma and distribute the report card . He stand first on class. Then he called Bir and distribute the report card. Now its rabin turn rabin was thinking about the medicine he has to buy after school chutte. He also worried if he could find some gulmohar baby plant so he can planted on gulmohar ground and of course all friends were thinking after getting report card they has to gave gift to sanu. Its Rabin turn. Their class teacher announced the third boy of the

class." The third boy of class is Rabin". Class teacher announces loudly

All the children clapped and rabin walk in front from assembly line where his class teacher stood. He shaked his hand to classteacher

Class teacher said "congratulation Rabin"

Rabin said " Thank you" and came to assembly line and take his position.

Similarly sabin remain fourth sanu remain sixth kancha remain ninth and kanchi remain tenth in class. They all went to front and took their report card one by one and came back to the assembly line and took their position. Its time over. Result card distribution is accomplished.

All students strated return home.

Some were holding their report card on hand and some were putting inside the bag. Five children gathered at one side of assembly line.

Kanchi laughed and said" i didn't read too much but i stood 10th position thank god".

Kancha said " Oh rabin you remain third like last year, Congratulation".

Congratulation rabin all children said one by one.

"Next year we will be in grade four". Sanu said

"Next year i will push rabin in fourth position and i will take over his position" sabin said

"You know what friend i thought i will fail this time. I really don't got time for study book but not bad i remain ninth". Kancha said .

"Beside result today is a also special day you know what" ? kancha said

"Today is sanu birthday" all chidren shout

"Yes sanu this is my gift for you rabin said and gave statue of two birds."

Sabin gave statue of red rose to sanu

Kanchi give a locket and kancha gave friendship band

"Do you like our gift sanu" kancha asked

"Of course i like it" sanu said

All the children laugh with cherish. After a while rabin said to sabin

"I have to buy medine for my sister would you come with me so we can return back together". So rabin and sabin asked other 3 children they has to buy medicine children allowed them.

" Ok i will come with you" sabin said

Rabin sabin went to buy medicine while others return home.

Both children walked together they walk together for a miles.

Sabin became tired and said "Rabin i am so tired cant go with you you go alone".

"Don't worry just a little more there is a medicine shop. Look there is a medicine shop look i can see it". Rabin said.

"No i am not walking with you you go alone". Sabin said

"Ok you sit here and wait for me i will go there and buy medicine quickly."

"Ok "sabin said.

Sabin sit there sadly putting his hand on cheeks and elbow on bags.

Rabin walks alone. He smell something badly.

"Oh my god whats a bad smell who keeps this so dirty" rabin murmured

Rabin reached the medicine shop. Rabin brought medicine from shop and put in his bag and walked back. He again come closer that dustbin. Oh my god bad smell he thought what is this he keeps eyes on bin but beside garbage and bad smell he saw something a baby gulmohar plant.

He smiled and laughed and sigh.

Oh my god i get what i searched it can make our glmohar ground again a green and beautiful. He hold baby plant on his hand . Plant was with some soil on plastic.

He carried baby plant and marched.

Sabin saw rabin returning. Thank god he is coming sabin said to himself. He is carrying something sabin saw dusky rabin at first but he saw rabin clearly. Sabin look what i found a gulmohar plant rabin said.

"Oh my goodness lucky we its our fortune lets brings back to gulmohsr ground sand plant it but how" sabin said

"Oh i have an idea rabin said i will putout all my books and copies and put into your bag and you put baby plant in my bag. I will carry baby plant and you will carry bags with books and copies" Rabin said

Ok fine lets do it sabin said children did same as they say. Sabin was carryin bags with books and copies and report cards and rabin was carrying bags with baby gulmohar plant.

Sabin was loaded. "Oh my god its heavy sabin" said sadly.

"Don't worry we will reach the home soon". Rabin said

Sabin carried bag with books copies and report card while rabin carried bag with plant and they walked to home. While they were on half a way lali appeared out of way. Suddenly sabin turn his head behind and he saw lali.

"Oh my gosh!" Sabin said

"What happened" Rabin said

"There is a lali coming" Sabin said

" Lali such a silly girl i hate her" rabin said

"Don't say anything about plant it's a secret" rabin said

"Ok i will not say anything" Sabin said

"There was a dancing club near to the their school where lali worked she danced there. Lali was a daughter of old aunt."

"Catch you" hahaha lali shouted

Both of them tremble

"Oh lali you always scared us stop doing such thing" sabin said

"Leave it i am happy today you know why tomorrow my income will be doubled. Ha ha ha'

"Why you are telling it to us we don't care about it" rabin said

"Okay i tell you another thing i have a new boyfriend".

Lali new boyfriend was no one but sanu uncle.

"Lali stop we don't listen to you we don't care don't bothered us" sabin said

"Look at you what are you carrying on bags". Lali said

"Of course book and copies" rabin said.

"Stop bothering us and just go away". Rabin said

"Ok i go this time i will catch you another time" lali said and went away.

"Oh she is silly girl i don't like her" rabin said

"I also don't like her" sabin said.

Rabin and sabin walked faster and reached their colony.

First they arrived near to kancha kanchi house then

Rabin said Sabin" you go and called kancha kanchi and sanu i reached to gulmohar ground and we plant it together"

"Ok" sabin said

Sabin went kancha kanchi house Rabin started walking to the gulmohar ground he reached earlier then other children he stop there and wait for other children he stop there and wait for other children.

Few minute later sabin arrived with kancha kanchi and sanu.

They all stood middle of the ground where their oldest tree had cut. There was a hallow space. They digged with their hand and plant a new gulmohar tree.

Other people inside the gulmohar ground saw their work and started to clapped.

Meanwhile ram was walking through he saw children doing good work smiled and came closer.

"Good work so you finally found tree". Ram said

"Yes" rabin said

"Ok then this beautiful work is done by very beautiful people such beautiful should write name below." Ram said

"Yes "other people also agreed

Ram worked in studio so ram usually carried gray charcoal ram take out a tin plate and gray charcoal and stick to the ground and asked kancha write their name.

Since they were five and tin plate was small they wrote their first alphabet with gray charcoal which looks like RSSKK

"Wow you done it congratulation for their brave work". One old man told them.

They smiled.

Where gulmohar ground filled with gulmohar plant,villagers were filled with cherish and children were filled with hope but someone was filled with hallow.

Sanu malicious uncle. His name was pushpak he had two big eyes hooked nose and big mouth.

Old aunt saw pushpak feeling angry she took advantage and started to filled his ears with humours.

Children smiled and returned their home. Ram also returned. Old aunt started to filled pushpak ears.

Old aunt said to pushpak" you don't know anything pushpak this friendship will get deeper. This friendship will ripe into love. You should know."

"Whose Friendship Whose love" pushpak said

"Of course your bother daughter sanu and rabin you should never let them together"

"Why" pushpak said

""You even don't know rabin is chhetri and sanu is Brahmin. "Old aunt said

"If they married sanu never will be hapy it is against society it is against our rituals so just departed them so they never meet each other and forget about their love and friendship. If you make them departed you always in the arms of lali don't you want my daughter she will dilute your thirst. Don't you do it." old aunt said

"Ha ha ha of course i will do it i want your daughter i can do anything for your daughter "pushpak said.

On that evening pushak went to akash house.

"Oh my bother what a surprise why you came in my home". Aakash said

Aakash is always grateful to his younger brother although he is elder he is always drive by Pushpak.

Pushpak live beside aakash house they both has individual house.

I came here for a very secial purpose. They both enter in room and sat they started to talk. Sanu house was three blocked house. They talked and sat in lowest block guest room "so why you came here pushak".

"I have to tell you one things send your wife and daughter away from this village."

What! but why ?Aakash said

"I don't know just do it you dont want to enjoy life more drinks and much more. If you send your wife and daughter away from this village i will fulfill your desire and provide you more drink. " pushpak said.

Aakash kept silence for a while but later on he convinced.