
Many years passed away gulmohar tree of gulmohar ground grown up its stem was thicked. It had many branches. The cherish of children on gulmohar ground was still on children memory.

After 10 years Rabin and Sabin completed their higher education and planned to joined university. Kancha and kanchi also completed higher education. Rabin and Sabin planned to join top university of fishtail valley. So they could meet sanu luckily but kancha and kanchi could not offered it so they decided to study on university of their own village.

After 10 years at fishtail valley sanu at backyard of her house. Dandelion were blewed she catches one dandelion and blew by her lip and prayed "dear god please do some magic so i met Rabin and my childhood friends". Although she prayed and whistled many times before but she didn't know this was the last time. Sanu was changed she was cheerful girl before but now she looked serious. She barely laughed with friends. Her childhood memory catured her mind and the moments of departure struck her mind. She also completed her higher education and joined the top university of fishtail valley.

There was a university which was famous and remain top. That university name was top university. Top university was a centre of fishtail valley. Rabin and Sabin left their bulbule valley and got admission on top university of fishtail valley. They entered from gate. They astonized by seeing the university. The building was huge. There was five floors in university. There was huge gate. From gate the building located at the center. There was large yard. There was wall surrounded the yard and building. There was almost 10 garden wooden benches decorated yard very well. Rabin and Sabin had never seen such a large building before. But as they entered they started to search sanu.

"Where is Sanu she must admitted in this university it is top university of fishtail valley". Rabin said

"Yes may be she might have forgotten us". Sabin said

"No don't say such thing how could she forgetten us. We were best friends". Rabin said

A moment later Rabin saw Sanu.

"Look sabin she might be sanu"rabin said

Sanu was sitting backard of building on wooden garden bench.

"Yes i saw her she is sanu" sabin said

"Yes sanu same eye same smile but why she is sitting lonely she looks depressed. Let go we surprised her" Rabin said

"Ok lets go" Sabin said.

Today was first day of college and other student were busy to introduce themselves.

"Hello" Rabin said from backside.

"No i don't want your introduction" Sanu said .

"Oh sanu don't be upset remember we used to go school together we used to play together" rabin said .

Sanu smiled and turn back oh Rabin Sanu said she hugged Rabin

Sabin smiled

"Oh you forget us. You think we will let you to be alone for your rest of life. We are friends anyway". Sabin said

"Oh Sabin" Sanu said and hugged Sabin

"Oh where are kancha and kanchi" Sanu said.

"They couldn't come here. They studied university of bulbule valley" Rabin said.

" How you find the university" Sanu said .

"Off course our little dream we thought you must read in top university. So to fulfill our little dream we come here" Rabin said.

" Right we are here to fulfill our little dream" Sabin said

Sanu said "thank god i met you both we are going together until our study weren't finished".

Sabin said "yes for 3 years"

Rabin said "After that we will return to bulbule valley so that we will achieve our dream you will also return sanu wont you"

Sanu said " Off course" i will return bulbule valley to achieve my dream"

Sabin said " But now what we have to do study to achieve our dream".

"Study hard ,study hard, and study hard "Rabin said

Three people laughed.

So these old friends were together again to achieve their little dream they started to study hard from the beginning.

There was a building with four floor Art faculty was at ground floor, business management was at 1st floor, science faculty at 2nd floor staff room was at 3rd floor and head master room was at 4th floor.

There was a huge ground surrounded with walls and building was at center.

They studied for 2 years. Their result were better they got highest grade. Rabin got A grade and Sanu and Sabin got B grade in first year and second year also Rabin got A grade and Sanu and Sabin got B grade and at the final year Rabin thought he will confess his love after final exam.

Sabin also thought he will also confess his love for Sanu after final exam. On sports week of final year sanu was watching Rabin and sabin match Rabin and Sabin were on a same team playing football.

Sanu was cheering Rabin only.

Sabin notice sanu was supporting their team but she was supporting only Rabin. He astonized. Sabin passed a ball to Rabin and Rabin kicked the ball and it was goal. Rabin and Sabin team score was 1-0 . Another team was disappointed again another friend sanjeev passed the ball to Rabin then Rabin kicked the ball it was a goal again. So Rabin, Sabin team win with 2-0.

Sanu stood up from bench on football ground and cheers. There was football ground at the left side of building. So Sanu went near to Rabin and Sabin and congratulate.

Congratulation Sanu said .

Meanwhile Sabin went for drinks. "Sanu i want to tell you something" Rabin said

"What you want to say" sanu said

"Not now but after our final exam you will be there for me" Rabin said

"Off course why not" sanu said

"Ok i will have some drinks" Rabin said and went for drinks.

Meanwhile sabin came and asked for sanu

'Sanu will you be there for me after final exam i have to tell you something" Sabin said

"Off course why not" sanu said