First day of protest

Rabin,Sabin ,Sanu, Kancha and Kanchi were participating in protest. They joint the rallies people were holding sign mention Caste discrimination should ended and All the caste are equal.

They marches to the district administration office. They weren't leading but just participating. Police were standing infront of them with latthi. Police were standing infront of them with latthi. We should cross the police line one leader shout loudly. All the crowd started to crossed the line so did Rabin, Sabin, Sanu, Kancha and Kanchi then police started to hit them.

Dozens of people hurted they had wound on head, leg and hands but they werent afraid Rabin, Sabin, Sanu, Kancha and Kanchi were also not afraid.

On that night on Kancha & Kanchi home .

Rabin, Sabin, Sanu didnt went home for 3-4 days. They stayed and slept at Kancha Kanchi home.

"Its not working" Rabin said.

Kancha took antiseptic medicine soaked with cotton and put on wound.

"Don't worry Rabin we had just started we should keep on going like this our hard work will end with better result" Kancha said.

Rabin think for a while and said" I have a plan tomorrow we five are going to lead a protest and I am serious about to put a demand that we need to talk with district administration officer. Our subject will be like making different rules against caste discrimination and to be followed by everyone what you think" Rabin said.

"Wow that is a good idea" Sabin said.

"Lets do it" Kancha said.

"Ok lets do it" Kanchi and Sanu said.