Better Result 45 days of protest

Kancha woke up earlier Kancha, Rabin and Sabin slept in kitchen of Kancha house. Sanu, Kanchi, Chaya and Kamal slept in bedroom of Kancha house. They all slept on floor. Kancha mattress was a little thick because he was wounded and hospitalised. Now he was recovered he decided to join the protest.

"Kancha you wake up earlier today" Chaya said.

"Yes today I am going for protest" Kancha said.

"Thats a good thought but you recently recovered will it be better not to go for protest" Chaya said.

"Yes I am completely recovered and I am going for protest" Kancha said.

Other also wake up.

"I am also going for protest" Sanu said.

"No, Sanu your wound still need time to recovered so you and Kanchi are staying home. Kancha said.

"Ok all the best to you boys .Go and prove yourself. Our society need change" Kamal said.

"We can bring change and today is our last hope uncle" Rabin said.

So Rabin, Sabin and Kancha went outside of house. Amrit, Bishnu and Bikram welcome Kancha and they marched to Mayor office. They all sat. It was 10:00 am and Mayor was arriving to office he was on the way.

One policeman make an announcement holding megaphone by his hand on its mouth

"All of you listen carefully our mayor is arriving . He is on the way. So all of you we made a police boundry so don't try to cross the boundry" Policeman said.

One boy from the gang who exploded police van crossed the boundry and took his leg inside intentionally. He was dark and about 20 years.

Rabin saw him. Policeman also saw him.

"Hey you why you crossed the line" Policeman said.

" I didnt cross the line" Boy said.

"Don't lie you have crossed the line I saw you" Policeman shouted.

"I don't cross the the line" Boy also shouted.

"Hey you boy you crossed the line I saw you we are here to protest peacefully if you want to create violence then you can go, you aren't allowed to sit in protest" Rabin said.

Then, the boy sat without saying anywords.

the mayor arrived,saw and heard Rabin and impressed by him.

Mayor inside his cabin.

"I heard there is a protest going on our bulbule valley is that same crowd" Mayor asked his assistant.

Mayor was tall and dark wearing blue coat, white shirt and blue pant sitting inside his cabin looking outside.

"Yes they are same crowd" Assistant said.

"Who is that boy it seems like he has nice thought what does he want ?" Mayor said.

"He is Rabin, he is a leader and only want peace talk with you sir" Assistant said.

"Wow thats amazing call him" Mayor said.

Assistant went outside and call Rabin.

Rabin went inside. Mayor office and Administrator office was same. No wall, cemented ground two blocks. On ground floor there was cabin and bathroom. On first floor there was canteen and resting room.

"Mayor i like your thought boy tell me what do you want?"

Rabin sat on chair and said " Sir, I want you to make different rules regarding caste discrimination like

1. Water touched by low caste should be untouchable.

2. Intercaste marriage should be legalized.

3. Noone can fired a person from job just because he is low caste.

So that every innocent heart could smile, every true love can win, every honesty could spread his wings".

Mayor "Wow you has a very good idea I like it boy.

Rabin" Thank you sir".

Mayor "Rabin i like your idea. I will make different rules regarding caste discrimination apllied and followed by everyone in bulbule valley. I will annouce a bulbule valley a caste discrimination free society. But it take 4-5 days. I have to talk with upper level. Congratulation Rabin and what about your friend Kancha he was attacked by two policeman".

Rabin "Those police man are culprit".

Mayor "Dont worry those policeman will also get punishment they will remain in custody".

Rabin "Thank you sir".

Mayor "Its ok actually i heard when you are discussing about non violence . So i was impressed by your thought. Now don't waste your time go out and tell your friends about good news".

Rabin became glad. Sabin and Kancha was peeking at the door where Rabin had entered. They saw rabin coming out. Rabin was smiling Rabin looked at Sabin, kancha and bent his finger inside palm and raised his hand and smiled. Kancha and sabin understood his sign.

Rabin went near to Sabin and Kancha and said we won the battle. Mayor agreed with us

Amrit, Bishnu and Bikram also came near to Rabin and asked "What happened brother? Did we win? Did he agree?"

"Yes we won" Rabin said.

They all became happiest, and Amrit had announced good news to crowd. They all started to cheered.

Meanwhile mayor came out and said "Congratulations Rabin and you boys also. You have done a great job".

Sabin said" Thank you sir your little effort means a lot to us, anyway you are invited to Rabin wedding. He is going to marry soon and its intercaste marriage".

Mayor "Oh congratulation again Rabin i will definietly come" and mayor went inside.

"We have to tell it to Sanu and Kanchi. Wait don't tell them so soon we have to tell them in a secret way. So Amrit bring Sanu on your motorcycle tell her that Rabin want to tell her something and you Bikram bring Kanchi on your motorcycle".

"Ok" Amrit said he ride motorcycle and went to Kancha Kanchi house. Similarly Bikram also said "Ok" and ride his motorcycle and went to Kancha Kanchi house.

All were happy. The crowd Rabin, Sabin, Kancha Amrit, Bikram and Bishnu. But this good news was undigested by those two policeman they want to take a revenge.

Ramesh "You heard Raj they are celebrating victory".

Raj "who"?

Ramesh "Rabin and his friends . Mayor is going to announce bulbule valley a caste discrimination free society after 4-5 days".

"What they are celebrating and we are doing nothing at all. Lets talke a revenge" Raj said.

"Yes I heard Amrit and Bikram are going to lift the Sanu and Kanchi on their motorbike. Amrit went earlier so he will lift Sanu earlier lets crash Amrit bike before Bikram and Kanchi reached and saw us" Ramesh said.

"Yeah sure let's drive our van this will be greater than anything" Raj said.

"Sanu sister Sanu sister" Amrit call.

"Who what happened Sanu came out from Kancha Kanchi house and said.

"Rabin brother wants to tell you something so hurry up come to my motorcycle and i will lift you" Amrit said.

"Sure but what about Kanchi" Sanu said.

"Kanchi sister will lift by Bikram so come and hurry up" Amrit said.

Amrit ride the motorcycle and lift the Sanu. They were on the road.

Raj and ramesh were on van. They were chasing Amrit and Sanu.

"There they are" Raj said

"Oh damn" Amrit said.

"I think someone is chasing us" Amrit said.

Amrit look at mirrior and said.

"Yes you are right i think its a police van". Sanu said she also looked at the mirrior.

"Its Raj and Ramesh but what are they doing". Amrit said.

"Oh no! they are chasing us Amrit said and increased the speed.

Raj was driving Ramesh was sitting. He hit the bike from behind. Sanu and amrit thrown in the air and a yards down the road.

Raj and Ramesh take a turn and return back and went away.

"Oh! no sanu" Kanchi shouted from behind. She was on the bike with Bikram.

"Oh! no" Bikram also shouted.

People walking on the road gathered around accident spot. Kanchi and Bikram also came near to Sanu and Amrit.

"What happened!" Amrit said Amrit was concious but Sanu was fainted.

Kanchi and Bikram call the two taxi one for Kanchi and Sanu and onr for Bikram and Amrit.

They went to greenland hospital.

Raj and ramesh hit sanu and Amrit motorbike from behind. This news spread allover

Rabin, Sabin, Kancha and Bishnu also got the news.

They shattered and ran to green land hospital.

Doctor Rajesh came out from opt.

"Don't worry Amrit leg is broken he had plastered he need rest for one month and Sanu since she didnt put helmet but luckily he get minor head injury her head is bandaged. She also will be ok after one month. You can take them home after one month.

"Thank you doctor" Rabin said.

"You can see them now" Rajesh said.

Rabin, Sabin, Kancha, Kanchi and bishnu went inside the opt

"Sanu say something I love you" Rabin said holding Sanu hand.

Sanu say nothing.

I might disturbing you Rabin thought and turn behind. He dropped the hankey from his pocket to Sanu bed.

"You still have that hankey" Sanu said

Rabin turn front and smiled. "Oh my god Sanu you spoke" Rabin said and smiled.

"Oh this hankey he put inside the pocket . Yes I kept it safe" Rabin said.

Others also smiled and wiped their tears with hand Rabin also wiped his tears.

"Sanu you should take rest we all are here don't worry" Kancha said.

"If you need any of us just call we will be here at any time". Kanchi said

"Now let's go you take rest Sanu" Sabin said.

All of them sat outside of the room.

A few moments later they went to Amrit room. They saw his leg was plastered. I saw them, Rabin brother but I couldn't do anything I am sorry" Amrit said.

"No its not your fault Amrit we will definietly take action against them" Rabin said.

After 5 days

Kancha ran to Sanu admitted room. Sanu was sitting on bed. She had her head bandaged. Her mom was institing her to eat more. She was eating rice and lentils.

"No mom thats much I can't eat more than that" Sanu said.

"Oh last spoon please" Laxmi said

" Ok" Sanu said and eat last spoon.

Kancha ran and talk to Rabin.

"Rabin good news Mayor appeal to the higher level was accepted. Our bulbule valley is a caste discrimination free society. Now mayor finally announced it and those policeman according to the witness of Kancha and Bikram and people on road they will remain in custody for 5 years they are arrested". Kancha said.

"Yes" Rabin said and give hi five to Kancha and Sabin. Bikram and Bishnu was also happy they also heard the news.

They cheered for a while.

"Sanu we won our society is finally caste discrimination free society. We won the batttle and those policeman were arrested they will remain in custody for 5 years. Rabin said to Sanu and Kanchi Laxmi was standing near to Sanu.

"Really Thank god" Sanu said.

"Thank god" Kanchi said and sigh.

"Thank god your effort is finally recognized" Laxmi said.

You are silent

but your eye told me

we are going to be together

and there is nothing to be worried Rabin thought.

I may not in your heart

but i always remember you Sabin thought