The wind in the cemetery is always serene—as calm as the people eternally sleeping beneath the grassy ground.
Minerva placed a white lily and blue rose atop his tombstone, holding her tears not to fall on Derrick’s grave as well.
“It’s been a long time, babe.” Her voice was soft; her words were gentle and full of heartache.
Her baby kicked, making her smile. “I know, little one. As much as we badly want to see your daddy,? we can’t. Giving him flowers is enough. And letting him know that both of us are in good hands.” She gently stroked her belly in a circular motion. “...and that you’ll have someone to call a daddy as soon as you come out, Hemera.”
She called her child by the name Darwin had given her: Hemera. It wasn’t so bad. In fact, it sound’s angelic and kind and…light.