All thoughts of going another round faded. "War?" I demanded. "Things are serious but not that much. You're over reacting."
Zale raised a brow at me. "Scoot over." He demanded.
We shifted as ordered and Zale took a seat between Bo and me, careful to not disturb Amanda. How could the woman sleep through all this?
"There's something serious going on, something similar to what dad found when he was prime."
I frowned. For Zale to mention his bastard of a father, things were serious. "Fine, what do you need us to do?"
"I need someone to cross the border, investigate. But you have to be careful, infected are already inside the pack. Yale is one of them. We need to keep a close eye on him."
"Close eye? If he's in the pack, we need to kill him," I snapped.
Bo tensed on the other side. "Javier," he hissed.