The first wolf, the biggest of the lot, pounced at me from a fucking tree. I stepped to the side and my hand shot out, grabbing him by his throat. The wolf yelped but regained himself a moment later, snapping desperately at my hand.
"Seriously?" I chided. "There might be more of you than me, but just from this attack I can tell you guys are pathetically trained."
Clara stood off to the side, watching us but not interfering. She trembled, holding her stomach tightly, her eyes bouncing back and forth between me and what I assumed were her brothers.
My wolf let me know of an attack from behind us, and I whirled, tossing the captured wolf at the new threw. The two combined with sharp yelps and hit the ground with hard thuds.
I was tired of playing with these boys. Another dashed at me, trying to snap at my tendons and force me to the ground. I did a rabbit leap over him, slamming my palm down as he went and hit his back. The force slammed him into the dirt.