Chapter Fifty


  Mitsi had gotten me dressed in record time. I had no idea how she managed to put so many pieces of clothes on me, that barely covered anything really, in such a short amount of time. What was the point of all of this if the vast majority of it was see-through?

  "This way," Mitsi informed me with a bob of her head and she darted down the opposite end of the hall. I had to jog to catch up to her.

  I glanced back at the way we were running from. I didn't see anything, so why did she look so worried? Was she expecting us to be chased or something?

  "Here," she tugged me into yet another room and pulled me to a stool. "I'll be quick. He doesn't like a lot of makeup, but your eyes are puffy. We have to fix them."

  We seemed to be alone. I leaned a little closer as she sorted through an assortment of makeup on her table. "Who is this guy anyway? What does he want?"