Chapter Fifty-Five


  My soul was being torn in two and there was nothing I could do to stop the pain. A scream escaped me and I crumpled to the ground.

  Through the pounding of the pain I heard Zale's deep rumble. Ares pressed against my wolf, trying to calm us.

  But nothing could stop this agony. I tipped my head back and screamed louder.

  "Bo!" Warm hands wrapped around my stomach and I was pulled against a hard chest. Javier's growl was a deep rumble in my ear. "Snap out of it, damn it!"

  I shook my head. Everything was breaking.

  Then it was gone.

  As suddenly as the pain had hit me, it was over.

  I felt hollow. I put a hand over my heart. I didn't have to reach up to feel it, I already knew the mark that my mate had left on me was gone. Just erased like it had never lived on my flesh to begin with.

  "No," I whispered. My voice cracking with every word. "She's gone."

  Zale and Javier glanced at each other. Zale pulled away from me to stare down. "What are you talking about?"