Cee didn't stop me from leaving her room. All she did was silently watch me.
And all I could do was pray that she didn't try to report me before I got out. I hesitated outside the door. Should I try to free more women? I wanted to. I didn't want anyone to suffer the fate the maid had before. Was there any saving her or had she already been killed?
I forced myself forward, pressed against the wall. I didn't have time to worry about others. I needed to focus on myself and getting out of here. I couldn't let my mates be hurt. The carpet ate the sound of my travel so I rushed down the hallway, checking each of the doors. There had to be a way out of here.
All of the doors were locked. I ended up back in the hallway where the maid had been left to her fate. I shuddered to see the wind still swirling through the bubble. I couldn't see through it, but I could almost imagine the inside of that blasted thing was tinged red.