I really could have used Ares at that time, but even now there was something keeping the prime wolf away from me.
The tallest of the bunch towered over me. His dark tanned skin contrasted with his lake-blue eyes. I stubbornly kept my eyes above waist level. I hadn't gotten too much of an eyeful, but they were monsters in that department too. He stepped toward me, eyes appraising. "You're the run-away. Haven' t you heard what will happen to those stupid enough to try this?" three of the others chuckled, but the smallest didn't join them.
I continued to stay between them as Mitsi the best I could. Hell hounds? Those things were real? I wasn't sure how to process this, or how I was going to be able to protect the two of us. "I'm the one that planned this, let Mitsi go."
Pretty eyes raised a brow at me. "Are you ordering me around?"
"Look at her, Luke. She's got some balls on her." he snickered. "Hey, we should strip her and see if we can find them. I'm curious."