The object of my nightmares appeared in the middle of us, but all I could focus on was Javier's still form. My bond was still there so he wasn't dead, but he'd suffered. There was so much pain coming from him.
"Monster," I spat.
Aren turned to scan me. His lip curled in a sneer. "Come now, Alessa. I warned you plenty of times what would happen if you tried to fight against me." He held Javier up and then tossed him down into the middle of the hell hounds. "Transform and devour him, boys." He turned his attention back to me and held out his hand. "Come," he ordered.
Zale snarled. When Ares and him merged together it was a sight to be seen. He was a massive wolf and his muscles quivered with his rage beneath his sleek coat. He took a protective stance in front of me almost shielding me from view. "Enough," he glanced back at the hounds behind him. "Shift," he ordered.