
  I had never seen my pack in this bad of shape. Bo had lost the use of Ares and lay in a puddle of his own blood. I wasn't surprised when Amanda rushed over to his side. Hopefully, she'd be able to do something for him.

  "How?" the demon demanded of me, snarling the word. "You were so far behind us. How?"

  "It's a little easier when you know the fastest path," Tyler added. His green flames had condensed into several green balls and they rotated around his head. He looked from one to the other with a frown and then over at the battle ground.

  "What is it?" It would take time to trust these creatures, but I'd decided to do so.

  "There's another battle going on that isn't right here." He nodded towards the group of pups huddled together and crying over Bo. "There's more of them than this. It looks like another of those demons have them trapped and is torturing them."