There was a thousand other things I should be doing in this moment. I should be worried about Clara, I should care about fighting the demons.
Maybe I was just a horrible person. All I wanted at this moment was some time with my severed mate. I missed being able to feel his every reaction to my touch.
I had to settle for letting my hand rest on his thigh and letting his little trembles guide me.
Was his cock always this thick? I took my time running the flat of my tongue along the veins of it.
Bo's groans were tinged with the growl of his wolf.
"Stop that," I scolded rubbing the tip of my teeth against him for punishment.
Instead of grunting in pain though, he pushed up against it hissing in pleasure. "Fuck, Amanda," he moaned. "I want way more than your mouth." He tried to sit up and yelped holding a hand to his ribs. Slowly, he lay back down. "Just...maybe not yet."