The others glared at me for going ahead without them, but I didn't give a damn. She was my mate too and I was going to lose myself in the bliss between her thighs before we all risked our lives.
Plus, I was going to enjoy the fuck out of torturing her ex by making her come, a lot.
"Come on, you get to spin the wheel of kink, Amanda."
She glanced back at the others but they weren't going to interfere. They just hated me for having this idea first. "Good luck learning your powers, Zale. Take your time."
Bo looked from Zale to me then back. "Wait, how is this fair? I want to go with Javier."
"Sorry," I slung an arm around Amanda and squeezed her tight.
"Zale needs all the help he can get. Don't worry, you'll get your time with her too. Besides, you need to keep training the troops we have left."
Bo sighed. "Whatever." He caught Amanda's eye and gave her a significant look. "This isn't over, Amanda."