Had I really heard him right? I leaned forward then winced. I was sore, the sorest I'd ever been before. I was fine until that knotting thing, and sure it had felt amazing to be that full but after it was all over? I could barely walk.
Raul glared at Javier as if he sensed my discomfort and the hound lay me back down on the chair. Huh, why was he naked again anyway? I wanted to ask but I was pretty sure I'd get into issues with Bo and Javier if I pushed it.
"I'm serious," Raul continued and gave me a warm smile. "You can learn magic just like the Prime can, and considering how great of a job these two," he gestured to Bo and Javier, "have done at protecting you. I think you should learn it for self defense."
Rigar's rage throbbed through me. He must have recovered from Javier's sneak attack. I'd hoped that he would have been kept down longer. I couldn't bear to think about what he would do to me for revenge.