Winter POV:

  Three weeks after that chili fiasco, things had changed drastically, Roxanne, and her posse banned from ever cooking again. Now they are permanently on gardening duty, which I find hilarious because those bitches complain so much about pulling weeds; they were agitated when they found out they could participate in the Alpha Ball. They cried, which was music to my ears.

  Today Mrs. Hicks has everybody on their toes with cleaning, as soon as I walk into the kitchen, “Winter” I turn around to see that Mrs. Hicks is approaching me.

  “I need you and Emmily to take these piles of table cloths to the washroom to clean.” She said, pointing at two big baskets on the side of the table.

  I went to grab one basket, Emmily came on in, and retrieved the other; when we entered the laundry room, I began to ask, “ Hey Emmily, what with all the fraist bout around here?”

  “You didn’t here? We got approved of throwing the Alpha Ball here this year.”