Alpha Nehemiah POV:

  Last night's party was a big success, I can feel that we impressed the Alpha King so much that he wanted to stay the night in our pack. According to others when the King attend events he would leave when it was over. So I wonder why he wanted to stay? It does not matter, all that matter is now is trying to ally with him. Me, Luna, Beta, and Beta lady was sitting in the conference room discussing our plans to present a proposal to the King, there was a knock on the door.

  “Enter” I shouted.

  The door opens, in walked in one of the guards “sorry for the interruption Alpha, there is someone who needs to see you right away” he said, stepping aside. Then there was omega Shanna who appeared. She came right in and stood in front of us like she owned the place. I will soon have but this mutt of omega in her place.

  “What the meaning of this Shanna?”