Emmily POV:

  I was still cleaning tables when I heard a loud growl, and the house shaking that had people bow to submission everyone except me. I realize that Winter had been gone for a long time. I dropped everything, and begin searching for her, I ran up the stairs, I started picking up her scent. It was strong with blood, I panic, and follow it. I got more scare when it led me to the Alpha office, the door open I ran in, seen unknown male fighting the Alpha, and I look over, and I look over and saw Winter on the floor unconscious with blood on her face “Winter” I call out to her running to her side, and try to wake her up she would not. I place my ear to her chest, I can hear her heart beating, a little bit, I’m glad she was alive. Before I could do anything else the same unknown approach us, I quickly went in protective mode.