Winter POV:

  I was happy to hear that Emmily decided to give Solomon a chance. I remember the next day after her date how she told me all the romantic things that Solomon did. How he ended the night by giving her a promise proposal right along with a ring. The ring was beautiful, what was important that I see a glow in my friend face it is fill with happiness. Right away Emmily move out of my room, and move into Solomon room. So they can get closer, and start building their bond, I would love to say that we all living happily ever after. But that’s not the case.

  While my friend is seeking her own happiness, I started to feel miserable, ever since we came to this pack I only seen Castro three times. I started to feel that he is avoiding me for some reason. Each time I will go to his office, there will be a guard standing out to inform me he is busy, and do not want to be disturb. I was hurt by that, I did not show it I just smile, and walked away.