Roland P.O.V
I could not believe that Phyllis rejected me for that bitch, of all people. I could feel the pain in my heart when she said those words to me. Everything was going well until that bastard child of hers came back. I hate that bitch. She ruins everything. Phyllis should understand why I cannot accept Tiffanye. My mate had an affair which led to Tiffanye being born. When she was born, I thought she was mine, then suddenly when she turn ten her scent changed, revealing to me she was not my child.
After that I disown her. Each time I see the child, it will remind me of Phyllis affair, and I get disgusted all over again. I could forgive Phyllis, but I did not have in my heart to accept a child that was created by her and another bastard. When I found out about it, I was upset to where I was going to reject her. She begs me for forgiveness, and I cave in. From there, I used her infidelity to my advantage.