Chapter Two

  Subtitle: My Contract Marriage

  Written by : Marvy Hyacinth

  The day passed by uneventful for Alexa.

  After she had cried to her satisfaction, she wiped her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes had swollen and was all puffed up.

  She brought out her make up powder from her purse and was about to open it and apply it when someone opened the door. Frightened, it slipped her hand, fell down on the floor and broke.

  She looked at the person in anger, it was a damn customer.

  "Oh, I'm very sorry" the lady said and hurriedly closed the door.

  Alexa stared at the door in disbelief. That lady had cost her the chance of concealing her puffed eye! She slowly moved her eyes to the mess on the floor... Her brown powder graced the floor.

  "Oh lord, help me, this is surely not a good sign" Alexa muttered in what she called a prayer as she bent down thinking of how to clean the mess.


  *"Alexa" Tina called as soon as Alexa approached her on the counter.

  "I'm so sorry about that"

  "About what?" Alexa asked confused

  "About Judy. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from being all jerky" Tina apologized.

  "Noooo! Why'd you apologize for Judy's action? Its fine. It was my fault anyway... What employee would arrive at work 18 mins later?" Alexa asked

  "He's just being the boss that he is" Alexa added and managed to widen her lips into a hurt smile.

  "I'm really sorry, Lex"

  "Stop being sorry. Let me run over to Samantha and take over from her. She's been working on my own shift" Alexa smiled and started walking off.

  "Wait!" Tina shouted and Alexa turned back. "Why's your eye puffy?"

  "Oh that! I think I cried too much" Alexa replied.

  "You should have powdered it" Tina said.

  "I was going to, but it fell and broke"


  "Yeah, do you have any one with you?" Alexa asked.

  "No. You know I don't wear makeup" Tina answered.

  "Oh yeah, that's true. I totally forgot. Thanks anyway" Alexa said and went to start her shift.


  Alexa took over from Samantha and the latter headed for home.

  She wore an apron and started waiting on customers. It was almost 4:30, just 5 mins more and she'd go home.

  Tina left around 4 after her shift was over and she was getting tired having no one to talk and laugh with. Suddenly, it hit her that Tina was the only friend she had in this restaurant... The only thing that kept her going in this place.



  The money too...


  "Hey... Waitress!" Someone called.

  God! She had fallen into thinking about random stuffs again. She quickly walked over to the customer calling her.

  As soon as she got to his table, he shouted and asked why she had not answered him earlier. She apologized softly, but the guy didn't wanna take any of it.

  "Why'd you daydream while working? Is that how professional you are?" The guy asked with his hands crossed over his chest.

  This guy looked cute, God! What was she saying? He was damn handsome, and fucking stank of money, but boy was he damn jerky.

  "If I remember clearly, I already apologized. Isn't that enough?" Alexa rolled her eyes at him.

  "Apologize huh? That doesn't satiate the fact that you kept me in this horrible place for 2 mins more" The idiot said rudely.

  Yeah, she wondered.

  What was a guy whom money stank on doing in Creville... The most horrible place she's been to. Well, she lived there too, so duh!

  "Yeah dummy, since you so fucking wanna leave here fast, why'd you come here in the first place...Rich prince?" She rudely answered and rolled her eyes at him.

  "What? Rich prince?" The idiot repeated and laughed, but as loud as the laugh was, it ended quickly too.

  "And wait, did you just roll your eyes at me?"

  "Yes! Yes I did. Wanna roll yours back at me?" Alexa challenged and flipped her hair backwards.

  "Do you know who I am?" The idiot asked and scrunched his eyebrow.

  "No I don't, and I don't care" Alexa replied.

  "Well bitch, I'm ..."

  "Hey! Did you just call me a bitch?" Alexa interrupted.

  "Well, yeah. Watchyu gonna do bout that?" The guy challenged and leaned back in his chair with his hands at the back of his head, and legs crossed.

  Alexa launched forward and took his Jacket collar in her hands roughly and tried to choke him.

  He scoffed and said, "with those malnourished fingers, you sure you wanna do that?" He smirked.

  "Of course, I will" Alexa gritted and bent towards him so she could hold his collar more tightly, but he pulled himself down his chair, making Alexa lose balance, and her cold nose touched his cheek with her lip only inches away from his.

  He could swear at that moment that he felt electricity rush through him.

  "Ughm... Sorry bout that"

  Alexa apologized and let go of him.

  "You know, for a waitress, you're sure rude"

  "See who's talking about rude"

  Alexa snorted.

  "We're different. We're not in the same class young lady."


  Alexa hissed and started walking away.

  "Hey! You haven't taken my order yet."

  "Well, its 4:34pm already, my shift ended 4 mins ago. Call another waitress, Rich prince or should I say... Idiot?"

  Alexa blurted and walked to the kitchen to get her bag.

  At that moment, Judy came out of the office and walked towards the "Idiot" immediately he spotted him.

  "Mr. Green, its a pleasure to see you here"

  Mr. Judy said with an excited tone in his voice. The surprise lingering over it could not go unnoticed too.

  "Do I know you?"

  He asked in a bored tone.

  "No, No. I'm just the owner of this restaurant."

  Mr. Judy replied.

  "But you know me?"

  "Of course... Who wouldn't?"

  Mr. Judy replied thinking something must be wrong with the young man's head.

  "One of the mutts you hired here"

  The obnoxious human thinned his lip in frustrated anger.

  "And... Who'd that be?"

  Mr. Judy asked and like De javu, Alexa walked up to him.

  "Judy, I'm taking my leave now. My shift's over"

  Alexa announced.

  "This is the mutt I was talking about"

  the idiot, Mr. Green smirked.


  Judy asked not surprised. Alexa was one hell of a local human, so he had a hunch all the while that she was the "mutt" Mr. Green was talking about.

  "Yes! She"

  "And what did this "she" who's obviously me do?"

  Alexa asked.

  "You refused to take my order!"

  Mr. Green complained.

  "Did you seriously do that?"

  Judy asked.

  "Well, obviously yes. My shift's ended, so I told him to call another waitress."

  Alexa replied.

  "Do you know who this is?

  Judy asked Alexa.

  "Now, this sounds way familiar, I've heard this somewhere. Oh yeah, the rich idiot already asked me that. Guess what I said? I said NO! "

  Alexa smiled.


  Judy gritted. It was so obvious he wanted to deal her with words, but he was holding himself back because of the person seated in front of him.

  He turned to face Mr. Green.

  "I'm so sorry, she'll be taking your orders now"

  Judy said and forced a smile.

  "What? No! I'm not taking his damn order. My shift's over and I'm heading back home."

  Alexa protested.

  "Alexa, take the order."

  No way am I gonna do that"

  "Alexa, fucking take the order!"

  Judy yelled and placed his hand over his mouth when he noticed everyone in the restaurant was looking at him.

  "I'm sorry"

  He apologized and gave a courtesy bow.

  Alexa took this as an opportunity to leave, and was about to, but Judy held her wrist and pulled her back roughly.

  "What'd you do that for?"

  Alexa yelled.

  Judy was passing his boundaries and she didn't like it one bit. Since he wanted to be jerky, she was gonna get all bitched up!

  "I gave you an order."

  "And I refused it "

  "You wanna get fired?"

  Judy threatened.

  "What the... You should be supporting me, not the idiot. He called this place horrible and I stood up to him and defended this restaurant."

  Alexa sighed hard.

  She didn't understand why Judy would go to any length to disgrace her. She knew this place was horrible, but she defended it.

  "Well, I don't care. Its either you do what I say or get fired." Judy listed.

  "Well, since this morning, I've thought of nothing but leaving this place. Its not gonna be the way you think though."

  Alexa said and searched through her bag.


  she said and pulled an envelope out.

  "What's this?"

  Mr. Green asked, with Judy thinning his lip.

  "It's a resignation letter. I drafted it since Monday, but you've pushed me to the cliff. Mentioning my brother's sickness wasn't enough, you included my parents, and now you're disgracing me in front of an idiot I don't know. Its a pity though... I'll miss Tina."

  Alexa said, threw the envelope on the table and walked away.

  "I'm sorry about that. She's just one stupid girl."

  Judy apologized to Mr Green after watching Alexa leave in awe.

  "You should be apologizing to that young lady."

  He replied and made to walk away.

  "Ain't you placing your orders anymore?"

  Judy asked.

  "I'm not. I can't eat in a cranky and mean restaurant. You're very mean, and one day, one way or the other, you'll pay for what you did today. "

  Mr. Green said and walked out of the restaurant.