Chapter Thirteen

  subtitle: my contract marriage

  written by : marvy hyacinth

  after they ate, they both sat down to discuss about different stuff.

  "that was deliciously great." alexa complimented jace and he smiled as she made good remarks about his cooking.

  jace stood to clear the plates from the table and take them to the kitchen, and alexa offered him some help.

  "let me help you with that." alexa offered and held a plate.

  "no. don't worry. i can handle this." jace refused.

  "i want to help, whether you can handle it or not." alexa said firmly.

  "i said i..."

  "whatever you said about this doesn't matter." alexa interrupted him.

  "i'm helping and that's final." she chipped.

  "alright... you won, but next time you're not gonna win so easy ." jace said with a hint of seriousness around his tone.

  alexa smiled.

  "let that time come and we'll see." she smirked to which jace rolled his eyes at her.

  "ugh! you're annoying." jace muttered.