The last couple of hours have been a slight blur. Two officers were at the house, and luckily, they had come in an unmarked car, which meant if my dad saw them, he wouldn’t know what was happening. The officers asked me a million questions, snapped photos of the marks he left on me. They wanted me to go to the station, but I didn’t want to. I couldn’t. I just wanted this all to be over.
“Why did you not report it sooner” the female officer asked softly.
“Because I was scared and had nowhere to go at the time,” I said, “What is going to happen now”
“We will take all the information back to the station with us and go through it,” she said, “and we will share information as soon as possible with you. I advise that you request a protective order against him as soon as possible because that means he can’t come near you,” she added as a suggestion.
“I will, thank you,” I sighed.
Melissa, Ryland and I spoke to the officers for a little while longer.