CHAPTER Fifty four


  Gracie and I had just arrived home from school. The last class was a free period, and that worked for us because it gave us a chance to come home for a bit before starting the viewings.

  “Strange, your mom is home,” Gracie noted.

  My mom isn’t usually at home at this time. Hopefully, she hasn’t been sent home sick or anything. Worried, we headed inside looking around for her. And we found her in the kitchen, relaxing at the table with a cuppa and a biscuit.

  “You are home early. Are you OK” I asked.

  “I am fine, just had a half-day,” mom smiled, “Kettle is just boiled, make a coffee and come sit with me,”

  I guess we had some time. We could join her for a coffee for a little while. I made Gracie and me coffee before we joined my mom at the table.

  “When do you two need to leave” mom asked.

  “In about an hour,” I replied.

  “Great, that means you have time to come with me and get your birthday present,”