Eve's POV

  "Eve I am very sorry for how I have treated you" He said, avoiding to look at my face.

  This is unusual and it's making me really nervous.

  "Actually I wanted..uhm.. to apologise yesterday when it suddenly thought of it that you are only a young girl struggling to make ends meet plus you're very worried about your life, your Dad..but..but you just fell into the wrong hands; My Dad" He paused and summon up courage to look at me.

  "I yelled at you and I even hated you for no particular reason but guilty conscience is eating me up gradually"

  "It is...It's Okay" I told him.

  "No, it's not... I wanted to make you know I didn't mean any of the insulatives words I said to you, so I tried to to you in the car yesterday" He said.

  "Liam.." I cut in but he continued.