
  It had been three days for working for them, and I'd come to a minimum conclusion.

  Lucien Theron Blackwood—The silent and rude one.

  Micheal Valerian Blackwood—The overly organized one

  Archer Stephanos Blackwood—The one who seemed a little normal.

  Besides their cold behavior, there was another thing worth mentioning--They smelt good, it wasn't as if I was sniffing them but they actually smelt very good. Like, Even if they are a few feet away from me I could smell their scent, each of them had their own habits and the one thing common was they didn't talk much.

  Right now, I was uncomfortably tossing and turning on my bed due to the sun rays that were falling on my face. I was given a room for my stay, and it was better than my home, to be honest. Staying in the palace and working for them had turned into my only routine.

  Work! The word rang in my head.

  My first duty of the day was to get their breakfast to their study

  My body shot up straight to sit up, looking at the clock and seeing I was five minutes late I dashed to the bathroom for a shower. I didn't bother drying my hair too much since I knew it was going to take a whole day to dry it After I threw on my casual red dress that reached below my knees and proceed towards the kitchen.

  Once I reached the kitchen I saw Martha, recognizing her stare I gave her an apologetic look and took the prepared breakfast trolley.

  "You are ten minutes late, Jasmine," She scolded quietly.

  "Ten minutes?" My eyes widened, "I'll talk to you later, Martha. I need to take their breakfast to the study," With that, I exited the kitchen, my heartbeat like a drum due to all the rush I had caused.

  I didn't even know what would be their reaction! The tension was thick.

  As the guard slowly opened the door and I made my way inside the room, I felt their gaze at me almost in an instant.

  Gathering my courage I finally managed to look at them, "I'm so sorry for being late, it won't happen again. I just couldn't realize that..." My words died in my throat feeling that they weren't exactly paying attention to my words.

  King Lucien's relaxed gaze wandered around my face before traveling down my figure, King Micheal's most of the attention remained on my skin that was once covered in goosebumps, I noticed the darkness growing in king Archer's eyes as his stare stayed on me.

  For some reason, their gazes made me feel warm everywhere. This was the highest amount of attention I'd gotten from them in these five days of working for them. I awkwardly shifted at my place, trying hard to keep my breathing steady but as the seconds were passing with them not moving an inch from their places, the pace of my breathing constantly increased.

  I released a low sigh clutching the trolley handle tightly before I nervously bit down my bottom lip, the heat traveled to my cheeks. It was strange how the heat spread through my body. It was true that they were extremely attractive but I hadn't felt this sort of feeling before.

  My body was craving something even I couldn't contemplate.

  It was very strange, they were vampires and I shouldn't like a vampire's gaze on me yet I was liking it and craving it at the same time.

  "The...The breakfast will get...cold," I finally managed to speak, and this time their gazes deflected. King Lucien cleared his throat and Jerked his head as if he was telling me to serve the breakfast.

  King Micheal and King Archer remained silent, I meekly made my way toward the table. Three of them sat at different corners of the table.

  I first made my way to King Lucien who was closer to my reach, I gently placed the breakfast plate in front of him before I let the glass rest beside it, of course, the red substance in the glass was blood. Besides blood, vampires could eat real food too.

  I didn't know if it was my hallucination or not but I heard him intaking a sharp breath when I leaned forward to arrange his breakfast on the plate. It was then I realized that while doing the task I had accidentally come closer to his face, and the small distance wasn't appropriate.

  I hurriedly moved away and proceeded to my next task--Plating King Micheal's breakfast. Ignoring the flutter in my abdomen, I began plating his breakfast but this time with much caution but a second later I saw him shifting in his seat as if to avoid something.

  My eyebrows lightly scrunched due to his reaction but then he opened his mouth, "You are a human, aren't you?"

  The slightly absurd question took me off guard.

  Is he drunk?

  "We don't drink," The response instantly came, and I bit my tongue.

  I needed to turn down the volume of the questions in my head, it was ridiculous how easily they could read my mind.

  "As far as I can understand, I am a human," I couldn't help the sarcasm in my voice.

  I saw three of them exchanging glances upon my statement, deciding to mind my own business I proceeded to serve the breakfast for King Archer. He didn't react like the other two but I saw him clutching the side of the table a little tightly.

  Is there something with me that is bothering all of them? Thankfully I had kept my thoughts low this time--The one wise choice I had made in my whole life.

  I pushed the trolley to the side and sat on the corner of the couch that'd been my place for the last three days.

  "Have you taken your breakfast?" The question came from King Lucien, it was far too good to be true to hear something from someone's mouth who had only been giving me cold glances and rude remarks.


  "Oh really?" King Archer spoke, his tone heavily emphasized his lack of trust in my answer.

  "Yes," I nodded.

  "That's a bad thing, you know," King Micheal began, "You've disrespected us by doing so,"

  My eyes widen and my mouth agape, I shouldn't have lied!


  "You've broken a rule, so you should be punished," His voice turned a note serious.


  "So how many years of prison could be a good fit?Archer ?" His lips twitched upwards and the same identical smirk plastered on King Archer 's face.

  Oh no!

  "Five years for breaking the rule," My eyes were ready to pop out of its socket, but he continued, "Another Ten years for admitting it without any guilt, and six years for ..."

  Gasping I stood up from my seat, "I swear to God! I haven't taken my breakfast," I exclaimed, my eyes wide with horror and face white as if I had seen a ghost.

  I didn't want to be in prison for something I hadn't even committed.

  "Oh, you haven't?" King Michael questioned, the glint of something danced in his eyes.

  "Yes, I swear I haven't!" I spoke.

  There were a few minutes of silence before King Lucien broke it, "Okay then, go and take your breakfast then come back here for work," He said and diverted attention toward the food on the plate.

  I stood there confused for a few minutes, from being serious about sending me to prison to changing decisions so quickly was quite unusual. Something didn't fit in the context.

  It was then I noticed the twitch at the corner of their lips and mischievous glint dancing on their expression.

  They'd fooled me! And I got fooled by them so easily.

  To hide my embarrassment, I hurriedly made my way out of the study with my cheeks flaming red. One thing I learned about them today was--The Vampires Kings were dominant, cold, and feared for sure but they were also very notorious.