
  I looked outside through the window. My eyes moved to glance at Archer sitting opposite to us, who now excitedly dug unto a packet of snacks. Thankfully the driver couldn't see us due to the privacy system built in the vehicle completely separating us from his view.

  I must say, Archer here looked cute and the only one to be interested in having the snacks. Yet he couldn't put anything in his mouth till now because he was busy selecting which to select.

  Lucien may I say seemed interested in the curls of her hair, ever so lightly hooking them around his finger letting it go before he'd brush his fingers on my cheek or lower my Jaw.

  Micheal on the other hand was just looking, yeah...the reddening of his eyes increasing gradually as the moments passed. For the entire time, his gaze moved to look at Archer who was still looking through the packets to find something he could eat per his choice, a disbelieving scoff slipping past his lips.