I opened my eyes slowly and cringed as I felt a cold body lying on my lap. I was tied to a chair in a sitting position in such a way that I couldn't move any part of my body except my head. The room was dim because I could see through the window that it was getting close to dawn, the moment when my life would cease to exist.

  My eyes lowered to whatever was resting on my lap and there was the body of Lola, stark naked and it seemed to be embalmed with the smashed face wrapped.

  I was about to scream in sadness when it occurred to me once again that the body wasn't truly Lola's. The strong belief was pumping through my veins, but I was also heartbroken to realize that even if Lola was still alive, I wouldn't be able to see her because, in a few hours, my body would be hanging in the market square gallows, with everyone spitting at me.