His mother crossed both of her arms and sarcastically stared at him.

  “You are stupid, not knowing that you are not a real blooded Winston family,” then, she laughed and continued,

  “Just like your mother who sacrificed herself just for the sake of others. Stupid!” she exclaimed and laughed loudly.

  Anders was in disbelief about what he found out, he was clenching his jaws and fist while staring at his mother who was laughing evilly at this moment.

  He was trying to figure out himself on how he got this far without knowing his true identity. He wanted the truth and nothing else. All the hardships he went through were now on his head and felt it was wasted, ‘cause he was thinking of it as the way of his revenge to his family.

  Then, it seemed like no words nor sound were coming inside his ears so, he looked at his mother who kept on talking in front of him and pushed him, but he did not hear anything.